Feisty Fibonacci has a smile that’s impawsible to resist… and cattitude to spare.
KATNISS: Feebs, furst of all, the readers are going to want to know about your winning smile. Do you have a cleft palate?
FIBO: No, I have a hare lip. That, combined with the set of my jaw gives me a purrpetually pouty look, which makes fur an unfurrgettable mug. My Human thinks I’m cute, which allows me to get away with purractically anything. MOL.
KATNISS: So you were found wandering the streets of Brooklyn and this kind Human took you in as a foster cat…
FIBO: Yeah, she was trying to find me a purrmanent home through Brooklyn Fat Cats rescue, but I wasn’t having any of that. I knew I had it good right where I was. So I put my paw down and said, “I’m stayin’, lady!” and that was that. So yeah, I’m purroud to say I’m a “foster fail.” The other cats who lived here furst weren’t too happy about that, but I wasn’t gonna let that get my hackles up.
KATNISS: So now you’ve got everything you need and meowr. What are your favfurite toys?
FIBO: My Human’s wrists and arms! Now hear meowt – I don’t break the skin, it’s just rough housing. And it’s kinda her fault – things might be diffurent if she purrvided fat, live mice around the house for me to play with.
KATNISS: Okay… and what are you favfurite treats or snacks?
FIBO: My Human’s wrists and arms! Kidding! My favfurite food is whatever my Human is eating. I’ll jump on the countertops and kitchen table to get it – or even jump right into the fridge. She’s always trying to kick meowt with the help of a squirt bottle, but that bottle’s no match for me(ow).
KATNISS: What else do you do fur fun?
FIBO: I like to help the Human out when she’s working by raking her papers off the desk and onto the floor. I enjoy hopping into the cast iron skillet on the stove and leaving fur behind. But the best thing is when the Human brings out her knitting. Those needles moving! Those yarn ends waving! I go wild attacking this prey!
KATNISS: Fun! I’m sure your Human appurrciates your interaction.
FIBO: Right? But my absolute favfurite thing to do is to jump onto my Human’s chest when she’s lying on her back reading a book, and bring my face up really close to hers. When she puts her book down I can melt my stretchy body completely onto hers while she strokes and kisses my head. That feels really good!
KATNISS: And you’re cool with your Human fostering kittens she finds on the street?
FIBO: I am because I’ve been in their situation. Right now she’s trying to cat-ch two kittens and a mama cat from a feral cat colony with the help of Brooklyn Animal Action who have been so suppurtive and helpful.
KATNISS: That’s supurr. And what about your two fursiblings? Are you furiends?

KATNISS: Not just some weirdo, but a cat with a mewnique purrsonality and a winning smile.
Follow Fibo on Instagram.