Catastrophe is a 16 year-old arthritic tripawd cat and skin cancer survivor who is living his best life.
KATNISS: So let me get this straight – years ago, you were hit by a car, brought to the vet to get your leg amputated and then…your family never came back to get you.
PHE: Yes. And that hurt meowr than losing my leg. But rather than let it totally bum meowt, I decided to be purr-active. I walked out into the vet’s waiting room, found a friendly lap and jumped on it. I purred, I snuggled, I pulled out all the stops.
KATNISS: And they took you home that same day, right?
PHE: They did. That was 14 years ago, and the rest is hisstory.

Phe, pre-cancer
KATNISS: I understand your days have since been filled with snuggles, treats and basking in the sunshine. Sounds purrfect.
PHE: Purrfect except fur the fact that while I love sunshine, it doesn’t love me. I’m very fair – pink skin, white fur – and I got skin cancer.
KATNISS: That’s bad mews.
PHE: Yes. But no one “nose” meowr than me how to see the bowl as half full. With the love and suppurt of my meowmies and my vet, while I may look a little worse fur the wear, today I’m cancer-free, comfurtable and happy. And I try to stay in the shade now.
KATNISS: Pawsome! Speaking of possums… tell me about your furiend Mango.
PHE: Mango is a common brushtail possum. I enjoy hanging out with her, her new baby Berry, and the entire possum posse that come to visit nightly.
KATNISS: What are some other things you enjoy?
PHE: I like licking my meowmy’s toes, rolling around in black dirt and attacking the yarn when Meowmy is crocheting. And snuggling. Lots of snuggling.
KATNISS: Wow, you really are living your best life.
PHE: Affurrmative.
Follow Phe and her family on Instagram.
Another great story Katniss! Thanks for providing us with good news! Your stories are a great antidote to the overload bad news stories that fill my inbox every day.
Yes, I think we all need to hear good mews!!!