With the help of a famous Internet Cat, this sassy queen found her furever home.
KATNISS: So tell me how your Humans found their way to you.
BELLA: Well, I was sitting in the shelter (The Anti-Cruelty Society of Chicago) because my purrevious owners thought I was too “high maintenance” and opted for a kitten instead. So while I was all sad and lonely, little did I know that there was a family out there who was sad and lonely, too. Because they had recently lost their elderly calico furbaby.
KATNISS: So how does Bronson the Cat figure into this?

BELLA: Bronson saw my purrofile at the shelter and used his thumbs to type up a post about me on his Facebook page.
KATNISS: And the family who recently lost their calico saw the post.
BELLA: Girl, they took one look at this beautiful chonky bod and drove 4 hours to the shelter and got meowt.
KATNISS: Such great mews! Speaking of your beautiful chonky bod, I hear they’ve got you on a strict diet.
BELLA: Hey, I’m all about body pawsitivity. I’m proud of my curves. But the Humans don’t want to me to get diabetes or other health problems.
KATNISS: I’m feline that. So, what do you eat now?
BELLA: Diet food. Only diet food. And… sometimes I’ve been known to “clean up” the potato chip crumbs I’ve found on the floor.
KATNISS: That’s very helpful of you. In what other ways are you a help around the house?
BELLA: Well, I grace the family with my presence. I allow them to brush and pet my belly without it ever being a “trap.” And I keep my cat siblings in line by occasionally growling at them (though truth be told, they really just want to be my furiend). There are also 2 young Humans who are furever wanting to pet me, to which I am happy to oblige.
KATNISS: Sounds like you’ve got the purrfect life. Do you have any goals for the future?
BELLA: I’d like to be able to jump up on the bed. And… someday it might be nice to have a date with Bronson, the cat who made all this pawsible.
KATNISS: Let me know and I’ll cover that story.
BELLA: I purromise.
Follow Bella on Instagram and Facebook.