When Avatar, a stray cat with a chromosomal abnormality, was picked up by animal control in Mabank, Texas, he had no idea his life was about to change furever.
KATNISS: Avatar, you were taken to the Henderson County Animal Shelter where you met Ollie, a rescue kitten who would soon become your best furiend.
AVATAR: Yes, we bonded right away. Neither of us had a home, but we had each other. We’ve been insepurrable ever since.
KATNISS: When the shelter posted your picture online, you became an instant sensation, purrhaps due to your resemblance to Internet celebricat Monty.
AVATAR: No one was more surpurrised by the attention than me(ow). The shelter became overwhelmed with inquiries from all over the world. The workers were concerned – they wanted to make sure I went to a good home, not someone simply hoping for an Insta-famous cat.
KATNISS: So the shelter reached out to the Two By Two Rescue and Petting Zoo. Why a rescue?
AVATAR: Because they knew the people who run the rescue were a good fit for us. They had suppurrted the animal shelter for years and they rescue and care for many animals themselves. I’m purroud to say that Ollie and I are their purrsonal pets now. Or maybe I should say they are ours. MOL!
KATNISS: What are some of the other animals they have rescued?
AVATAR: Meowmy and Cat Dad began rescuing Arabian horses about a year and half ago. Horses that would have otherwise gone to slaughter for dog food – pretty apawling! They have since adopted donkeys, goats, llamas, rabbits and chickens. They are pawrents to all the animals.
KATNISS: What about the petting zoo?
AVATAR: There’s no active petting zoo yet, but we’re hoping to be able to open one soon so people can meet and mingle with the farm animals. Rescue is impurrtant and we want to teach others the joys and responsibilities that go along with it.
KATNISS: Now that you’re settled into your new home, what do you and Ollie like to do with your time?
AVATAR: Well, Ollie loves to play with string and plastic Christmas balls.
KATNISS: And you?
AVATAR: I like to play with Ollie.
KATNISS: Sounds like you’ve got everything you need. So, any desire to be Insta-famous?
AVATAR: I’m not actually on Instagram, but my pawrents post about me and Ollie on Facebook. I’m thrilled that people are interested in our story. I feel furtunate to be loved.
Follow Avatar and his family on Facebook.