He’s known known for his big bod and big attitude, but he’s slimming down with the encouragement of his family and fans.
KATNISS: Jack, first of all concatulations on making such pawsitive strides! I know it’s probably not been easy fur you.
JACK: Truth be told, I’m really lazy. I do like to lie around a lot.
KATNISS: I think by definition, that makes you a cat.
JACK: Yes, but I’ve gotten haters and fat-shamers and I want them to hear meowt. I have kidney stones and am on a special medicated diet to purrvent them from coming back. The food makes it difficult for me to lose weight. I am now on a new urinary-friendly food that has helped my metabolism as well as my kidneys. My vet also believes I have a deformation of my hips which causes me to be inactive.
KATNISS: So how do you get exercise?
JACK: My Humans have arranged it so that I have to go to dif-furent floors of the house in order to survive. My food is on one floor, water bowl on another, and the litter box is downstairs.
KATNISS: Very clever…
JACK: I also love going outside – especially in the snow. I walk around the yard for about 45 minutes a day. Usually twice a day, about 20 minutes each time.
KATNISS: I heard the Humans also got you a fitness coach of sorts.
JACK: Yes, they adopted a kitten for me. Charlie is very playful and has so much energy, so I am constantly walking away from him and swatting at him.
KATNISS: I swat my sister all the time! It’s a great way to stay active! So, tell me how much weight you have lost.
JACK: When my Meowmy first started my Instagram just under a year ago, I weighed 39lbs. I dropped to 34 after a few months when Charlie was just a small kitten. Now that I am on a new and better diet, and my food is regulated, I am currently at 31lbs. and dropping.
KATNISS: You’ve lost 8 lbs. – that’s like a whole cat.
JACK: Well, I only eat about ¾ of a cup of food a day now.
KATNISS: Oh Meow God, I would starve. I am obsessed with food. And treats. You are an inspurration, truly.
JACK: Thank mew, it’s not easy.
KATNISS: So what’s with the way you sit with your legs splayed out like that?
JACK: I love to sploot. I’m just kind of silly that way.
KATNISS: You’re just a silly, cow-spotted splooting boy.
JACK: You got that right. MOL.
Follow Jack on Instagram.