Internet cats touch our lives, and when they cross over the Rainbow Bridge, we mourn them as if they were our own.
Here are some of the unfurgettable furbabies we lost this year.
ANGUS THE COUNTDOWN CAT. Angus was a local cat who hung out at the Queen Street Countdown, a store in New Zealand, where he solicited pats and chats furrom customers. He passed away after a short illness.

Angus the Countdown Cat on FB
AXEL ALLEYCAT. This one-eyed ginger kitty was furtunate to survive a hit and run, was then rescued, and went on to live a full life.

BALAM. This talkative Oriental Shorthair always had something to say – and with great passion! He was also the founder of the nonpurrofit The Balam Foundation which serves the stray and wild animals of Mexico.

BEAR. This handsome ginger was a special needs sweetie with cerebellar hypoplasia and a megacolon. He was the fursibling to Herman from Milo’s Sanctuary.

BELLY. With her purrmanently aghast expurression, Belly was so amewsing. This little hydrocephalus kitty lived to age 10, passing away in December.

BILLI. 15 years ago, Billi ran across a road, causing a car accident which resulted in her adoption. Once she settled into her furever home, she loved to go on hikes with her Human.

BUB FUZZINS (Nemo). He was a cutie with a cleft palate, asthma and an expurression we’re fangful fur.

CAKE THE MAYOR. His purrfessional duties included snuggling, napping and watching birdies.

Cake the Mayor on FB
CALA. This sassy ginger gurrl rocketed to supurr stardom when she collapurrated with The Kiffness for the hit song “I Go Meow.” She passed away in her owner’s arms from old age.

CAROLINE. This meowch-loved calico was one of Jackson Galaxy’s purrsonal cats. She passed of pancreatic cancer.

CURIOUS ZELDA. We will never furget Zelda’s big, inquisitive eyes. In addition to being a viral Internet cat, she was also a published pawthor, having penned the book The Adventures of a Curious Cat.

FANGSY. He was a 15 year-old rescue Himalayan with fangtastic overbite.

Fangsy on FB
FLIPPER. We flipped fur this 15 year-old rescue kitty with Radial Hypoplasia and were sad to hear of his passing.

Flipper on FB
FRANCIS. This pawdorable permakitten with a genetic disorder was found by construction workers. He passed this year from liver disease.

GARY. We were Team Gary from day one. With his impurressive beard and penchant for drinking water from a garden hose, Gary was an Internet favfurite.

GENTLE BEN. This senior black cat was considered “less adoptable” because of his color and his age. But just when he was feline hopeless, he was rescued from the shelter. Sadly, he passed from cancer this year.

Gentle Ben on FB
GIMLI. This little dwarf cat had hypothyroidism and other health issues. We will furever remember his toothy smile as he joins his sibling, Elfie, at the Rainbow Bridge.

GIZZMO THE SUPER KITTY. She may have been a wobbly CH kitty, but she had spunk and a pawsitive cattitude.

Gizzmo the Super Kitty on FB
GUS. Gustopher was the equally-bearded brother of Gary. When his Humom saw his picture online and noted the similarity between him and Gary, she knew he had found his furever family with them.

HAROLD. This big ginger boi was known for practicing yoga – we’re guessing “cat-cow” was one of his favfurite poses.

Harold on FB
KAHLUA. Queen Kahlua was a pawsitively stunning tortie who live-streamed her 17th birthday fur fans.

Shittakeposting on FB
LENNON. This tiny special needs kitten with hydrocephalus and a cleft palate won over fans in a short time with his pawdorable cuteness.

LILYBEAN THE NOMNOM QUEEN. She will furever be remembered as “a shelter cat with a side of spicy.”

Lilybean the NomNom Queen on FB
MAC. Born with a cleft palate, half of a nostril, cardiomyapthy and megasophagus, Mac was so much more than a special needs cat – he was a supurrstar to his family and followers. He even took purrt in Jackson Galaxy’s CatCamp 2017 along with Lil Bub.

MAGIC. This furmer feral-turned-lovebug sadly passed from a mass in her abdomen.

MARVIN. Known fur being the fursibling to Mira the Miracle Kitty, Marvin was a CH kitty known for his wobbly swagger and sway.

MILO. This famous Facebook 18 lb. tabby sadly left his fur family when he passed of kidney failure.

Milo’s Crew Plus 1 on FB
MONTY. He was a stunning pampurred Persian with big, soulful eyes. He passed after coming down with sepsis.

MR. TILKERS. He was a purrfessional attorney who ran his own clawfirm. But in closing arguments, complications from a congenital heart defect won out.

FB Mr. Tilkers: Attorney at Claw and Company
NORA THE PIANO CAT. Nora gained international purrominence when a video of her playing the piano went viral in 2007. In 2009, recorded footage of Nora was included in CATcerto, a piece by computer Midaugas Piecaitis. She passed away at age 19.

Nora the Piano Cat on FB
THE OREO CAT. He was the star of many books and the wearer of many bowties. The meowgnificent Oreo passed away in his owner’s arms.

OZZY THE DWARF KITTY. Ozzy was known for his small stature and snaggletooth. He lived his best life at the St. Francis Hospital for Animals.

PENNY. She was a special needs tabby with a sweet face we will never furget.

PEPSI. This tuxie was a pretty purrincess with a large Facebook following. Sadly, she developed a cancerous tumor, but her legacy lives on.

Posh Princess Pepsi Girl and Friends on FB
PETALS. This soft grey cat with the sweet face will furever be remembered fur having won Cat of the Week in Modern Cat Magazine.

Petals & Feather & Friends on FB
PRINCESS FUZZYPANTS. She was classic red tabby Maine Coon. This diva was full of sass and always had something to say, be it purr, trill, coo, chirp, warble or chirrup.

QUEEN NANUGI OF NOVA SCOTIA. This mewnique Chimera cat was taken by cancer much too soon.

Queen Nanugi of Nova Scotia
RICHARD THE KITTY. Rescued from an LA public shelter, Richard was known for his colorful coat and heterochromia – eyes of diffurent colors.

ROLO. He was a handsome grey British shorthair cat who suffured from a spinal injury after a fall.

@Snickerson on FB
RUGER. As a kitten, he pawped out from some abandoned orange trees and greeted his new, chosen pawrents who gladly brought him into their home.

Ruger & Tippi’s Haven of Happiness on FB
SMOOSHY. This furball full of purrsonality was rescued at 4 weeks old and was at her Humom’s side until the end.

SMUDGE. Known for being affectionate and very vocal, Smudge passed from increased fluid around his lungs as a result of heart failure.

STUDLEY T. McLOVIN. Studley was the nicest boy ever. He fought a long and valiant battle with cancer. Hiss at cancer!

TIDUS. He was a handsome grey Purrsian cat who will be missed by his fursiblings and loving pawrents.

TI-POU. She was purrobably best known for being the sisfur to FB purrsonality Gentle Ben. She was refurred to as a “free spirit” and is now truly flying free.

Gentle Ben FB
WILLY WONKY. This wobbly CH panther was a felinethropist who headed the Willy Wonky Foundation fur special needs and disabled pets.

This post is dedicated to all the household cats who were not Internet stars but are so missed. Your lives were impurrant.
Please furgive me if I missed anyone you follow or loved.
Thank you for these lovely remembrances. As a long time local follower of The Button Farm gang I have been part of Gizzmo the Super Kitty’s on-line “family” for years. Gizzmo would love being included in your list, but might like to let you know she was a Princess, not a boy. Thank you for including all these magical kitties and honoring how they’ve touched our lives. 🥰
I apologize for misgendering Gizzmo! I will go into the article and fix it! Thanks for letting me(ow) know!