This was a devastating year in which we lost so many beloved Internet cats, many of whom we mourned as if they were our own.
Gone But Not Furgotten.
TRIDENT. This tripawd kitty was abandoned in Red Rock Canyon, NV. Once rescued, Trident learned to trust again and lived his best life with his furever Humans until succumbing to Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS).
MINGUS. This black panther will furever be remembered for his fangtastic vampurr fangs and toothsome meowing.
CATSBY THE BOOKSHOP CAT. Catsby’s purrfession included grrreeting customers, receiving scritches, and sitting on laps. The Great Catsby leaves behind quite the legacy.
RIDGE. Fursubling to 4-eared cat Thorne, Ridge was a beloved beast. He made it to age 15, when he lost his battles with heart disease and hyperthyroidism.
HENRY NOODLE. This furmer feral found his people and quickly became the Prime Minister of Underthebedistan. Henry Noodle Botasky graced the Internet with his purrescence, leaving little pawprints on our hearts.
GRUMPY CAT. With the passing of the world’s most famous cat, the Internet mourned, declaring the end of an era. Grumpy, you were an icon, a legend…. but most impurrtantly, a family’s beloved pet gone too soon.
EXOTIC HERMAN. In the short 3 years he graced this earth, Hermie was a sweet, loving boy whose expurressions made him the purrfect Internet meowdel.
PECAN THE NUT. Pecan became an Internet star when a video of him ringing a call bell went viral. He passed from complications from heart disease and a tumor. We will miss his sweet face and pawdorable outfits.
LEO THE CAT. Leo was a mewvie star – headlining Steven King’s “Pet Sematary” remake. But the true horror was when this beloved family pet died suddenly and unexpectedly of arterial thromboembolus (ATE), more commonly known as “saddle thrombus.”
BANANA. Banana was rescued from the devastating Camp Fire in California. With lots of love and care, he made a meowraculous recovery and found himself a furever home before succumbing to bone marrow cancer.
GRANDPA MASON. This terminally ill furmer feral cat greatly outlived expectations, in purrt due to the deep bond he formed with orphaned kittens who gave his life new purrpose as their loving grandpaw.
GENGHIS KAHN. Genghis was a beloved Internet cat and family member of The Khan Cats. Genghis lived fur 16 years, which was not nearly long enough. He leaves behind his fursibling, Poohkie.
SHOPPY THE SHOP CAT. According to his Humans, Shoppy was “old, FIV+, and had severe dental disease, ringworm, really bad calcivirus and hypertension” but he was loved and lived a life filled with non-stop treats and attention, and he made furiends all over the world.
AZUKI. The sweet-faced calico cat lived until 14 years of age – which was purractically a miracle, considering she was diagnosed with kidney failure at 6 years old. Now according to her Humans, “Azuki lives in the sky.”
BUBBIS. Sweet Bubbis was a special young polydactyl from Norway. Sadly, his life was cut short earlier this year when he was struck by a car.
SHRAMPTON. This Scottish Fold was an Internet purrsonality and celebricat who appurred in a Carly Rae Jepsen video. Shrampton died at 8 years old of polycystic kidney disease.
KING BOB THE FIRST. Bob, a handsome cross-eyed cat, died after a 4 year battle with Chronic Kidney Disease. He joins his sister, Tayto, at the Rainbow Bridge.
TALI. Moshow the Cat Rapper’s beloved cat Tali (aka Tali the Lover) died suddenly and unexpectedly of heart failure. Tali was the mother to his other cats, MegaMam and Queen Sushi.
SEAMUS. As one half of the Bromance Brothers Seamus and Angus, the sweet and handsome Seamus O’Blarney passed away from complications after a dental cleaning.
STREET CAT ALUMNI BENNY. Benny’s family reports that, “His warrior spirit is now free from the body that grew too tired to carry such a strong force.” Benny was FIV+.
PETUNIA. The purrfectly impurrfect Petunia was shot by her owners when she was a kitten because they thought she was a rat. Despite her unfurtunate start in life, she was adopted by a loving family who pawsitively adored her. She passed from a serious infection and is greatly missed.
PORG. When Porg was a tiny kitten, he was brought to the vet by a client who found him injured and left in a box. Porg was diagnosed with feline cutaneous asthenia (FCA), or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). Lucky for this little guy, the vet and her partner wound up adopting him. Porg may have lost his battle with his disease, but his meowmery lives on.
ASYA PHOTOCAT. Asya of the Ukraine was a stunning snow-white beauty who became an Internet meowdel after being rescued from a stairwell.
MILI THE MINI CAT. The adorable little girl lived until 5 years old. Mili had dwarfism, a megacolon, bones that were not fully formed, and was blind – yet she had a good quality of life and was appurrciated by many who found her photogenic face online.
CRYSTAL. This slender Siamese never met an outfit she wasn’t game to meowdel. Unfurtunately, Crystal lost her battle with hyperthyroidism and asthma.
SIR THOMAS TRUEHEART. One of the most beloved Internet cats, Tommy came from rough beginnings but was a true inspurration – embodying furgiveness and the ability to love and trust again.
TUCKER. Tucker of Oak City Kitty died peacefully in his Human’s arms. Fans and followers won’t soon furget him.
SHADOW. Shadow, a beat-up, deaf, elderly tom cat was sent by Grandpa Mason to his Humans. Shadow spent 45 loving days with these kind purrsons before his 9th life came to an end due to hyperthyroidism and an inoperable bladder tumor.
LIL BUB. The one and only Bub left for her home planet, leaving us here on earth devastated. She may have been small in stature, but she was an Internet giant and a noted felinethropist – always raising money and awareness for cats in need. She was a pawsitive light that will continue to shine. Good job, Bub.
It’s with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to this beloved furbabies. We are glad you graced our Internet feeds and touched our hearts.
IN MEOWMORIUM 2019 VIDEO (volume up):