
By Katniss, Cat Reporter

It’s that time of year again – when humans humiliate their pets by shoving and squeezing them into embarrassing costumes. While most cats will shoot you a dirty look – or tear your eyes outBeatrice Ticketyboo actually enjoys wearing ridiculous get-ups. In fact, the sillier the better! That’s because Bea is a purrfessional meowdel. Here are some of her most hissterical costumes.

Taco Cat Spelled Backwards is Taco Cat.

Finger-lickin’ good.

The most important meal of the day.

The first thing Meowmy’s stealing from the kids’ trick-or-treat buckets.

Live long and paws-purr.

When life gives you lemons… humiliate your cat.

Bar-purr Shop Quartet.

Love you to the moon and back.

Oompa Loompa (doompadee doo).

The Wizard of Pawz.

Cat-sup and Mustard.

Party Animal.

Wall-climbing cat-snack.

Single and Fabulous.

Which costume do you find the most amewsing?Â