CatVideoFest is a compilation of cat videos from amateur to animated. But the best purrt? The purroceeds go to cats in need.
Going to the mewvies with other cat enthusiasts gives one a sense of commewnity, of having found one’s “people.” At the CatVideoFest showing this weekend, the theater was well attended by feline aficionados looking fur a meowmentary ecape furom pawlitics, the Coronavirus and other bad mews.
People litter-ally laughed at loud watching cat video classics featuring Henri, le Chat Noir, Marmalade and Oskar the Blind Cat as well as the hissterical Engineer’s Guide to Cats 2.0 – The Sequel (RIP Sweet William).
There was a joyous meowmorial to Lil Bub, a visit with Big Cat Rescue (hear pumas purr!) and an animated short by Simon’s Cat.
But the emotional showstopper was the true tail of Winston, an abandoned street cat rescued by Flatbush Cats and transfurrmed through love and medical care into a happy housecat.
What else can you expect furom the CatVideoFest? Lots of amewsing cat videos – many you’ve purrobably never seen befur – which will have you chuckling and talking to the screen, along with others who appurrciate cats. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon, fur sure.
CatVideoFest 2020 has officially expanded to 80+ more screens. Fur more infurmation or to find a theater near you, check out their website.