If you found this article on your cat’s Instagram or some secret Facebook cat group you belong to, then this is your mewvie, my furiend.
#CATS_THE_MEWVIE celebrates the biggest pawp icons and darlings of the Internet: cats.
Some of the biggest celebricats in the world make appurrances in this film, including Pudge (listen to her hissterical snoring!), Nala (watch her have a hissyfit with her sister, Luna Rose!), Lil Bub (gone but never furgotten!) and many, many meowr.
The film begins with the hisstory of cats on the Internet, including memes and LOLcats, acknowledging such nameless icons as Lime Cat, Long Cat and Tub Cat.
While these cats may furever remain anonymeows, every Internet cat today needs to paws and show some appurrciation for these early trailblazers.
“Now there’s this whole world of Instacats and people trying to make their cats famous.” – Mike Bridvasky, Lil Bub’s Dude
The launch of YouTube and Instagram gave rise to a new bread of cat: the influencer.
“You could be sitting next to a co-worker who you think is totally normal and then find out that they have seven cats, one of which has 500,000 followers and you wouldn’t know.” – Erika Hammer, Fat Cat Hercules’ Human
So, how does one (or one’s cat) become Instafamous? While there’s no real furmula, according to Loni Edwards, founder of The Dog Agency, “Building a strong brand is one of the most important things an influencer can do.” Add Cats of Instagram’s Kady Lone, “When something’s genuine, it does well.”
Or when it’s just litterally laugh out loud funny.
Like RuPaw’s Drag Race.

Laila the Cat meowdel
Laila’s Humans might not be able meownetize their venture (yet!) but claim they’re “getting a lot out of it spiritually.”
Other cat accounts highlight the beauty of cats in nature, leaving us feline pawestruck.
And fur many, it’s about pawing it forward – fundraising and raising the purrofile of rescue cats and kittens.
Kitten Lady Hannah Shaw uses her platfurms to teach how to care fur neonatal kittens. Lil Bub’s Big Fund has raised over $300,000 fur special needs cat through the ASPCA. BenBen the cat’s dad, Adam, says he likes to “do something pawsitive, give back to shelters and cats who don’t have a home.”
Today, there’s a whole commewnity of cats online that brings people together.
Cats help with anxiety and depurression – they can help a purrson get through the bad times. Says Monty’s dad, Michael, “The Internet today is filled with so much hate and I think that if we could just start sharing more happiness and love instead of all that negativity, that’s what it’s all about.”
In other words, cats repurrsent the best of the Internet.

Monty and his pawrents
My recommeowndation?
Don’t paws – curl up the couch, grab a bowl of pawpcorn and stream #CATS_THE_MEWVIE right meow!
#CATS_THE_MEWVIE purrmieres today on Netflix.