While she may bear a striking resemblance to the dearly departed Grumpy Cat, Meow Meow has her own story. When she needed radioactive iodine therapy for Hyperthyroidism, her Human mortgaged her house to fly her to America so she could receive the life-saving treatment.
KATNISS: Meow Meow, you’re very furtunate to have a Meowmy who loves you so much.
MEOW MEOW: Fur sure. When I got sick, Meowmy quit her job and took a mortgage loan on our house. She researched how to take meowt of Taiwan and bring me to the United States fur treatment. She had to apply fur papers. It was a lot of homework, but she says I’m her family and she would do anything fur me.
KATNISS: Wow. That is really touching.
MEOW MEOW: Speaking of touching, I’m always massaging Meowmy with my paws and smiling at her with my gentle eyes.
KATNISS: You must’ve been furrightened to be in a diffurent city receiving this isolating treatment.
MEOW MEOW: Yes, we stayed in America fur over a month. Every day, Meowmy took the bus to the Oregon Veterinary Speciality Hospital and visited me. Once I was out of quarantine, I was able to go back with her to the Airbnb and recovfur.
KATNISS: You and your Humom have been together awhile. Did she get you as a kitten?
MEOW MEOW: I was 10 months old. My furst Human didn’t want me and left me at an old pet shop, where Meowmy and her brother found me and took me home. That was about 10 years ago.
KATNISS: You’ve got a hisstory together. No wonder you’re so bonded. So you finished the radioactive iodine treatment and now you’re back in Taiwan and you’re feline better.
MEOW MEOW: Oh yes – I’ve never been healthier! And as you can plainly see – happier!
KATNISS: Meow Meow, you have such striking markings on your face.
MEOW MEOW: I’ve been told that the splotch near my eyes and cheek looks like Batman.
KATNISS: Furget Batman, you’re the real Superhero.
MEOW MEOW: Nah, that would be my Meowmy.
Follow MeowMeow on her brand new Instagram account.