He’s amassed over 1 million views on YouTube, he’s been featured in Catster Magazine, and he’s a felinethropist who gives back to shelter pets with his yearly calendar.
Meet my new nutty buddy, Pecan.
KATNISS: What makes you such a nut?
PECAN: My mom calls me an alien because I have huge eyes and big ears. I also make funny faces for the camera and will stay focused for long periods of time when treats are involved.
KATNISS: Ah, yes… treats. Those magical crunchy nuggets that have us under their spell. I have seen how you’ve tricked your Human into giving you treats for ringing a service bell. She thinks she’s got you trained, but I suspect it’s the other way around.
PECAN: Fur sure.
KATNISS: The Amazing Acro-Cats cat circus features a cat who rings a bell. Have you ever thought of joining the cat circus?
PECAN: I’d totally join the circus to show off my bell ringing skills if it all could take place in my enclosed patio. I’m not a big fan of traveling or strangers. I’m pretty shy around people I don’t know. Good thing for cat videos so mom can take vids of me and share with the online world!
KATNISS: In these videos, you seem pretty comfur-table wearing clothes. Do you actually like to wear clothes, or it is again about the treats?
PECAN: Well, furst and formost, I love treats! So if treats are involved, I’m pretty much down for anything! Plus, I don’t mind being in clothes while photos are being taken. I’ve even fallen asleep in the middle of a photoshoot… hey, what can I say, naps are important!
KATNISS: Oh, I’m all about the cat nap. And the catnip, but that’s another story.
PECAN: In addition to naps and nip, I also love food. Which was the theme of this year’s calendar.
KATNISS: Your calendars are so creative and amewsing. Tell us about them.
PECAN: Every year, I pose for my annual Pecan the Nut calendar. We choose a theme for the photos and then sell the calendar to our furiends, family and social media fans. Last year’s theme was me dressed up as some of my favfurite foods. Yum! 100 percent of the calendar sales and profits are always donated to Toni’s Kitty Rescue and the Humane Society Silicon Valley. We’ve been making calendars fur the past 5 years and have raised about $5,500 dollars for these two great animal shelters.
KATNISS: That’s pawsome! I’m impurressed! So, when you’re not napping, nipping, eating or meowdeling for calendars, what do you like to do?
PECAN: I love hanging out in my enclosed patio – my catio – during the warm months. I sit on my bench and watch the birds and squirrels in the tree above me. I’m entertained for hours this way. I’m also a sucker for any kind of string, but especially the string from my mom’s hoodies. And when I’m in the mood, I can talk your ear off.
KATNISS: I know, I’ve seen your video. You’re hissterical.
PECAN: Why thank mew. Care to join me for some treats on my catio?
PECAN: I’ll just ring my bell and they’ll magically appear.
Follow Pecan on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.