Pliny is a purrfessional therapy cat who volunteers with Furry Friends Pet Assisted Therapy Services and Love on a Leash.
KATNISS: Pliny, I understand you were adopted from The Cat House on the Kings, which is California’s largest no-cage, no-kill feline lifetime cat sanctuary and adoption center.
PLINY: Yes, my Meowmy tells me she had her heart set on adopting a black cat. She litter-ally checked out every black cat she came across at the sanctuary. This took an entire day since the sanctuary has 700+ cats. She found me toward the end of her search.
KATNISS: Very furtunate fur you! So how did you transition from housepet to housepet with a purrfession?
PLINY: Well, I’d heard about therapy dogs, and considering how chill and furiendly I am, I thought, “I could do that.” I purrsuaded my Meowmy to look into it fur me. To my surpurrise, she found a local pet-assisted therapy organization that accepts cats. I pounced on the chance to apply.
KATNISS: You were accepted – concatulations! – earned your certification, and went to work as a therapy cat fur Love on a Leash and Furry Friends Pet Assisted Therapy Services. Tell me about the places you now fur-equent as a therapy cat.
PLINY: Currently, I visit elderly Humans at retirement homes, nursing homes and assisted living facilities as well as rehab centers and homeless shelters.
KATNISS: Does this involve hanging out with dogs or other cats?
PLINY: Yeah – I see my therapy pet furiends weekly when I make my rounds to the retirement homes and other facilities. We’re all best buds.
KATNISS: What do you like best about being a therapy cat?
PLINY: I like being petted. So if brings someone joy to pet me, that’s cool.
KATNISS: I like your catitude.
PLINY: Just pawing it forward.
Follow Pliny on Instagram.