Ozzy, a FIV+ rescue, is the resident shop cat and greeter at the William Temple House thrift store in Portland, Oregon.
KATNISS: Ozzy, how did you get into the shop cat purrfession?
OZZY: Well, a man came into the Oregon Humane Society and asked one of the staff members to show him the adult and senior cats who’d been there the longest and might make fur a good shop cat. It was between me and one other cat – we were both good candidates – but I’m told I landed the job because of my sweet and loving purrsonality.
KATNISS: And the rest is hisstory.
OZZY: Yes! I love my job and the man who hired me, who I now call my Cat Dad.
KATNISS: Can you tell me how being FIV+ has impacted your life?
OZZY: It’s the reason I was surrendered to the shelter. I think there are a lot of mispurrceptions about FIV+ cats, most of them uninfurmed. I don’t need shots or medication, just a little extra monitoring and a few more vet check ups than your average cat. FIV cats are purrfectly lovable and can lead long, happy lives just like other cats.
KATNISS: You’re furtunate your Cat Dad was able to see past your diagnosis.
OZZY: Yes. I’m very grrrateful. And I love my career as a purrfessional shop cat. I get to meet so many Human furiends, young and old. I have regulars who stop by every day just to see me(ow).
KATNISS: You’ve made a lot of purrsonal connections. Tell me about the thrift shop – I understand it’s a non purrofit.
OZZY: Yes – the thrift store suppurrts the William Temple House which is a non purrofit agency that provides social services, mental health counseling and a food pantry as well as vision, dental and emergency financial assistance. All of the money raised at the thrift store suppurrts the services and mission, which is really pawesome.
KATNISS: And I see by the photos you post that you tend to claim items some items fur yourself.
OZZY: Yeah, I purrtty much claim all toddler and doll clothing and accessories that I can fit into. I like to amewse the Humans. MOL!
KATNISS: So, what does your job en-tail?
OZZY: I spend most of the day in back helping sort and price donations. And I usually spend 2-3 hours out on the selling floor mingling with customers and being loved and adored. I have a way larger following in real life than I do on Instagram. My Cat Dad says I’m “dearly loved by the community.”
KATNISS: You went from unwanted shelter cat to Mr. Pawpularity.
OZZY: Yeah, I’m living purroof that the Adopt Don’t Shop movement is valid and impurrtant.
KATNISS: Your customers describe you as the “biggest cuddle bug ever” and “the most loving and sweetest cat.” You like to be handled by strangers, picked up, you sit on laps, shoulders…
OZZY: What can I say, I love attention! I’m also a heavy kneader and supurr loud purrer which the Humans tend to appurrciate.
KATNISS: No wonder they hired you! You leave everyone feline happy.
OZZY: Just doin’ my job.
Follow Ozzy on Instagram.