Harley is a purrfessional meowdel with lots of sass and cattitude.
KATNISS: So Harley, how did you break into the world of cat meowdeling?
HARLEY: To be purrfectly honest, I never planned on being a meowdel. My servant does modeling and once as she was heading off to a fashion shoot, they asked if she could bring me along as sort of an expurriment.
KATNISS: Did you get to wear something really fashionable and trendy fur the shoot?
HARLEY: Grrrl, they had me in a Santa suit. But being the purrfessional I am, I went along with it and it was actually kind of fun. I loved the all the pawsitive attention I got. Now I really enjoy being on set, purrvided I have a safe space of my own, like my own purrivate dressing room.

Black Panther sweater by @elhofferdesign
KATNISS: So is this a full-time job fur you?
HARLEY: Pawlease. My full-time job is being a cat. The meowdeling I do fur fun. My servant has turned down lucrative offers she thought would stress meowt. She always puts my comfurt furst.

Hat by @ohjoy for Petco
KATNISS: You recently did a shoot for Petco.
HARLEY: Yes, for Oh, Joy! for Petco with photographer @thegracechon. I had to lie around in cushy beds and pretty couches like the glamourpuss that I am.
KATNISS: Sounds like the purrfect job fur a cat. So, you’re okay with traveling?
HARLEY: Oh, I’m an adventurous gal – I love going fur car rides, boat rides, airplane rides and pretty much anything where I can see new scenery. I also enjoy being carried in a purrse or riding on a stroller.
KATNISS: I bet people are surpurrised when they see a cat in a purrse.
HARLEY: Oh yes, the reactions can be quite hissterical. We can be walking down Hollywood Boulevard and hear someone say, “OMG is that a cat?!?” It makes me feel like a famous celebricat. “Hello, would you like my pawtograph?” MOL!
KATNISS: Would it be accurate to call you a diva?
HARLEY: Darling, you can think of me as a diva, you can think of me as royalty, just think of me. And often.
KATNISS: As a diva, do you make constant demands of your servant?
HARLEY: No, but I do insist on being carried up the stairs when we go to bed at night. If my servant’s not ready to head up yet, I’ll sit at the bottom of the stairs and yawn dramatically.
KATNISS: So you’re not loud and demanding?
HARLEY: No, I’m a lady. I barely ever meow. Instead, I tap my servant with my paw when I want something. When she follows my instructions, I reward her by letting her pet me.
KATNISS: That seems fair. So, appurrently you don’t mind meowdeling clothes.
HARLEY: I love wearing clothes! I will sometimes fight me to keep them on! I have probably 50 diffurent outfits and costumes. Fur Halloween, I do #31daysofHarleyween on Instagram where I wear a different costume every day fur a month. Some my servant makes, some she buys.
KATNISS: So fur those who are thinking of breaking into meowdeling, what advice would you have fur them?
HARLEY: Be confident and purroud. Have fun, flaunt your fluff and never let anyone make you feel anything less than purrfect
Follow Harley and her servant on Instagram.