
August 8th is International Cat Day, a day where we celebrate and purraise cats all over the world.

And what better way to commeowmerate this day than with international cats?

Let’s start with AMEOWRICA, land of the fur-ry.


Then on to CHINA, where cats are purrsumed to be lucky.


In Ancient EGYPT, cats were worshipped. Cats have never furgotten this.


In SCOTLAND, cats are happy to lift up their kilts so you can pet their fuzzy bellies.

AristocatHats on Etsy

In GERMANY, katze are wunderbar!

Website: Kawaii Kitty

In MEOWXICO, gatos are handsome hombres.

PawSome Crochet on Etsy

And in ENGLAND, the Union Jack is covered in cat fur, as it should be.

CatsPillow on Etsy

How will MEW celebrate International Cat Day?