Stop the purr-esses – that’s not exactly how it went down. But here are Frankenkitten and Thorne to tell their “tail.”
KATNISS: So, Frankie, you were a rescue kitten. Then one day, your feral cat mum came into the shelter, said, “Help meowt,” and gave birth to a litter of kittens just 11 weeks after you were born.
FRANKIE: Yes, and I am happy to repurrt that she is now spayed.
KATNISS: Which is great mews. But… in that new litter of kittens was another kitten like you.

FRANKIE: Yes, a kitten who also had four ears and a severe overbite. This was Thorne. My adoptive Meowmy, who worked at the shelter, took one look at him and said, “You’ve got to be kitten me.”

KATNISS: How come she didn’t adopt him?
FRANKIE: She already had four cats including me, as well as two dogs, plus she’s the single mother to two young Humans.
THORNE: Both Frankie and I are special needs cats who may have expensive vet bills in our future. It’s impurrtant for Humans to realize what they can and can’t take on.

THORNE: Purrfect except fur the cat who already lived there didn’t want me there.
FRANKIE: Since Thorne’s new Humom had to go out of the country, my Meowmy agreed to foster him. It was like a sleepover every night!

THORNE: Oh, yeah – we pawtied!
KATNISS: But eventually, you had to go home.
THORNE: Yes. And the other cat, Ridge, decided he likes me, after all. We’re furiends now.

KATNISS: Pawsome! And since you two have been apurrt, unfurtunately one of Thorne’s eyes became ulcerated and had to be removed. So now you both look even more alike.
FRANKIE: Thorne, you’re such a copycat.
THORNE: Imitation is the sincerest fur-m of cattery.

KATNISS: So how do you two keep in touch?
FRANKIE: We FaceTime, email and text.
THORNE: And we follow each other on Instagram. I leave him lots of hearts.
Follow Frankie and Thorne on Instagram. Frankie is also on Facebook.
Enjoyed this cat interviewing a great deal. Bless you.
Thank mew!
I decided to check out Ridge and Thorne on IG. RIDGE passed away earlier this week. Apr 2nd.
I know. I sent my condolences to the family. Very sad.