Albus witnessed an unspeakable tragedy but in dealing with his own grief, has brought healing to a purrson who recently lost her senior cat.
KATNISS: Furst of all, I am so sorry fur your loss.
ALBUS: Thank mew.
KATNISS: But from this awful purrsonal tragedy has come new hope.
ALBUS: Yes, and I have you to thank in part. You shared my post with a cat group and someone contacted you. I’m purroud to say she brought me home a few days ago.

KATNISS: That’s so pawsome. She told me she’d recently lost her cat to kidney failure. He was a tuxedo cat, like mew.
ALBUS: Yes, she was hoping to find a companion cat for the one that was left behind, Beau. Since my name was Bode, she changed my name to avoid confusion. I’m named after Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series because we’re both “kind souls who’ve been through a lot.”

KATNISS: Fur sure. And how are getting along with Beau?
ALBUS: He is a very kind jumbo orange kitty. So fur, he has been watching me closely. There’s been minimal hissing and growling between us – I’d say we have a mutual respect fur each other. Don’t furget, it’s only been a few days.
KATNISS: So you think you’ll become furiends?
ALBUS: Oh, I think we’ll become snuggle buddies. But don’t tell him that yet. I don’t want him to think I’m a total pushover. MOL!

KATNISS: How’s your new house?
ALBUS: Great! I’ve been actively exploring every nook and cranny, rubbing myself against tables, shelves and chairs, but my favorite thing is the cardboard scratcher! I’m obsessed with it!
KATNISS: And how are you getting along with your new Human?

ALBUS: I like that she’s giving me space to come around. And I do enjoy when she me breaks out the feathers-on-a-stick toy and plays with me. I can tell she loves me(ow). I think I’ll keep her.
KATNISS: Such great mews. I’m happy fur you.
ALBUS: It’s hard to overcome tragedy, but in time I know I’m going to love this new family. The way I love that cardboard scratcher.
Pets who have been through loss can can learn to love again, a great lesson for us all.