Berkeley is a 21 lb. chonk whose world was turned upside down when his owner died, leaving him and her mentally challenged son homeless.
KATNISS: Berkeley, you were bottled-raised as a kitten and had known only safety and security when suddenly, as a senior cat, you were homeless. That must’ve left you feline terrified.
BERKELEY: Fur sure! My Meowmy’s son and I found ourselves seeking shelter where we could. The last place I stayed was in someone’s closet. Which wasn’t working out fur anyone.

BERKELEY: So it was decided that I would go to the pound. Luckily, a furiend alerted Stray Cat Alliance, who made a post about my despurrate situation. Someone from Milo’s Sanctuary saw the post and shared it. A kind purrson saw my post and offered to take me in.
KATNISS: She really took a chance on you – you were on anti-anxiety meds. The vet had to handle you with gloves because you were so “bitey.”
BERKELEY: Yeah, everything was freaking meowt. I was confused, scared and angry. So I lashed out.

KATNISS: Oh Meow God, if you’d gone to the pound behaving like that, you’d be on death row fur sure!
BERKELEY: I know. I’m lucky my new Meowm had handled feral cats, so she wasn’t scared of me. She could see I was going through a tough time. Although I’m ashamed to admit that I did bite her at furst. And drew blood.
KATNISS: You’re very furtunate she was furgiving.

BERKELEY: Yeah, I think she was already in love with me(ow). A few months purrior, she’d lost both her father and her beloved orange floof. My photo reminded me of her cat who passed, so she wanted to help meowt. She also tried to help my previous Meowmy’s son, but he wound up finding a place to stay purrmanently on his own.

KATNISS: Not fat-shaming here, but 21 lbs? That’s like two of me.
BERKELEY: The vet said I am the largest cat he’s ever seen. I’m not obese. I’m just massive. I only eat diet food and no treats. I have dog beds to sleep in as well as the big boxes from Costco, which are the purrfect size fur me.

KATNISS: Wait – no treats? Are you kitten? How do you do it?
BERKELEY: Snuggling is my treat. If I have to choose between food and snuggle, snuggle wins every time.

KATNISS: So are you a lap cat, then, too?
BERKELEY: Yes. Meowmy, Cat Dad or GrandMeowm can barely sit down befur I’m mid-flight, heading towards a lap. I also greet the Humans at the door and follow them everywhere. And every chance I get, I pin my Humom down and exfoliate her face with my scratchy tongue while purring loudly.

KATNISS: You have a very loud purr.
BERKELEY: True. Once one of the younger Humans was making a YouTube video and I heard him say, “The purring’s too loud! The microphone’s picking it up!” I was in the other room.
KATNISS: You’re a quirky guy. Starting with your tail.

BERKELEY: Yeah, turns out I’m a “ringtail cat.” If you straighten out my tail, it goes right back into a curl. As fur other quirks, I have a purrnounced overbite and while I may be a big macho dude, my voice is a high-pitched squawk.
KATNISS: What would you like to tell Humans about “less adoptable” cats?
BERKELEY: Try to imagine yourself in a cage or a bad situation, how scared you might be. When you rescue a “less adoptable” cat, you become their hero. I’m so grateful every day to be loved again. And to give love.

KATNISS: Can we tell the readers our secret?
BERKELEY: That I’m your brother?
KATNISS: That you are. Glad you are, bro.
Please consider adopting a “less adoptable cat” – the shy cat at the back of the cage, the one that won’t make eye contact, the senior cat, the cat with health issues, the special needs cat. These cats need furever homes, too, and can make for the most loving companions.