When it comes to cat litter-ature, I like my readers to know what books to get their paws on.
Texts From Mittens: The Friends and Family Edition is the newest book by Mittens the cat, although he has allowed famed cat author Angie Bailey to claim credit, purrobably because she’s a famed cat author. (I purrsume there may have been some liver treats involved in this trade-off, which seems fair to me.)
MITTENS: Tragic! Whomever packed up the book to send to you deserves a swat and maybe even a hiss.
KATNISS: Mittens, you are a comical cat. I related to so much of what you shared: your love of boxes, crumpled receipts, a second breakfast…
MITTENS: I’ve heard it’s best to write about what you know. Like catnip. And my love of laps. And my disdain for costumes.
KATNISS: Fur sure. I also appurrciate your attention to detail. Fur instance, the paperback design and shape make it not only the purrfect coffee table book, but the purrfect book to push off the coffee table.
MITTENS: Yes! You’re the only one who’s noticed that!
KATNISS: You write with humor, but it’s all very cat-relatable and furmiliar. I also enjoyed your use of embarrassing autocorrects and appurropriate hashtags.
MITTENS: #ihearyouandithankyou
KATNISS: No, thank mew fur a fun read. Now about those liver treats – do you have any meowr?
Texts from Mittens: The Friends and Family Edition is available on Amazon. This article contains an affiliate link. If you order the book after clicking on this link, we may receive a smol commission. And because we are signed up with Amazon Smile, a donation of .5% of your purrchase will go to benefit The Cat House on the Kings, California’s largest no-cage, no-kill lifetime cat sanctuary and adoption center.