Your favfurite Internet kitties are lovingly illustrated by the talented artist Luxurychoccie. I got to chat with her feline inspurrations, Jiggles and Keshi, about her purrocess as an artist and the cats she chooses fur her purrtraits.
KATNISS: I really love your Human buddy’s artwork so much, purrhaps because she has drawn so many of my furiends. Did you two influence her to illustrate cats?
JIGGLES: Well, she’s always been passionate about her artwork and she’s always loved cats, so this seemed like the purrfectly natural thing to do. And of course we are always around to assist her or to lend a paw.

KESHI: She also wanted to focus on working and impurroving a specific area of her art, and to have the oppurrtunity to give her artwork to people – and cats – who deserve it.

KATNISS: She’s drawn a lot of special needs cats, like Peany Todd, Henry IX, Doby and Logan.
JIGGLES: Drawing special needs cats purrobably began with her love for the dear Lil Bub. We’ve followed Bub for many years.
KESHI: Then when we came onto Instagram we discovured hundreds and hundreds more wonderful wonky kitties, each beautiful in their own special ways!
JIGGLES: Our Human really wanted to not only capture them fur who they are, but shed some light and awareness on the various conditions they have and how they overcome purroblems and obstacles.
KATNISS: Yes, some have overcome cancer, like Marmalade – who also has FIV – and others, like Toby, have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Zapp survived electrocution and Logan is doing great meow but was in sorry shape when he was furst trapped.
KESHI: They all have so many interesting tails to tell.
KATNISS: Fur sure. Now tell me about your Human buddy’s techniques as an artist.
JIGGLES: She uses a wide spectrum of techniques and materials. Furst, she started her cat purrtraits with Watercolour paints, but now she furrequently uses Prismacolor Pencils, occasionally graphite, and recently she invested in artist alcohol markers.
KESHI: She’s also had a go at oil paints, and has painted purrtraits of us using them. I think we look very majestic.
KATNISS: Are her purrtraits available fur purrchase?
JIGGLES: She’s in the purrocess of setting up a website where people can commission purrtraits and buy purrints or original artwork, so keep checking back!
KATNISS: Oh I will, fur sure! I love seeing her cat art come up in my feed.
KESHI: Speaking of feed, I think it’s time we pester her for treats.
JIGGLES: Pawsome idea, Keshi.
Follow Luxurychoccie on Instagram.