Lobo and Finn can always be found together, often snuggling or intertwined. They are the very definition of brotherly love.
Meet the Snuggle Brothers.
Recently adopted, these two young cats are very grrrateful to have been placed in a furever home together. I recently had the chance to curl up on the sofa and talk to them.
KATNISS: Are you two as bonded as you look, or is that just for the photos?
LOBO: We are best furriends as well as brothers.
FINN: We’re always snuggling with each other.
KATNISS: Why did you have to leave your fur-st home?
FINN: We lived with a really nice woman and her son, but their dog was really freaking meowt.
LOBO: He was always jumping up and down and charging at us! He was loud and scary like a vacuum cleaner!
FINN: They said he was just trying to be furriendly, but we found it terrifying.
LOBO: But luckily, we found a lovely couple without any other pets who wanted to adopt us —
FINN: — together, of course.
KATNISS: So, are you two mellow dudes who just like to snuggle together all day long?
LOBO: Oh, no! We’re not even a year old yet, so we love to play! We love crinkle balls, catnip mice and the string that hangs from the blinds.
FINN: We also love to chase the elusive red dot. Lobo runs after it so hard, he pants!
LOBO: We explore and get into everything. The other day, we attacked the mossy green base in the middle of the table centerpiece and left it in pieces all over the floor.
KATNISS: Fun! So, do you guys ever fight?
FINN: Well, we “play fight.” But there’s never any hissing or fur flying.
KATNISS: So when you’re not “fighting” or exploring or snuggling, what are you doing?
FINN: Grooming.
LOBO: Each other.
KATNISS: Is there anything you two would like to add?
LOBO: Yes, Humans, if you’re reading this and you’re considering adopting a cat —
FINN: — consider adopting 2!