Because when it comes to toe beans, meowr is better.
Let’s hear it for kitty mitties!

Bruno may have dropped some pounds… but not in his thumbs!

Bronson is a kitteh with legendary thumbs.

The aptly named Mr. Hand is your new kitty crush.

Misty has monster kitten mittens.

Rigby and Elliot have a bean harvest between them.

Thumbs the Cat has impurressive pawsies.

Finley kitty has bonus thumbz.

Murphy’s peets are impawsibly cute.

Greta the chimera offers many beans.

Fin is has magnificent murder mitts.

We’ve got to hand it to Tommy – he’s a cutie fur sure.

Never too many toes, Stanford!

I too have 3 moggies with thumbs and all 3 are so precious.
So cute!