These paws give cause for pause.
Polydactyl cats are known for their extra toes, which are just so pawsome! Here some of the most impurressive mitts we could find.
Toes that go on fur days.

Major Toes Tufts reporting for duty.

We give this paw a thumbs-up.

Kitten mittens are the cutest.

We heart these feet just beclaws.

When we said extra toes, we weren’t kitten.

Extra toes = extra toe beans.

Are these feet furreal?

These mitts are pawsitively amewsing.

Extra toes are clawsome!

Who says Big Foot doesn’t exist?

Who could furget these fabulous feet?

These toes are litterally amazing.

These feet are freakin’ meowt (in a good way).

Rub my belly and you’ll find out why they’re called murder mitts.
