‘Tis the season for Holiday Cheer… and Cat Humiliation.
Three words describe this costume: stink, stank, stunk!

Just wait til I leave a puddle in your bed later.

Someone’s on Santa’s sh*t list.

“You’ll look so festive,” they said. And by festive they meant foolish.

Looks like Santa’s been skipping leg day at the gym.

I think you know what “presents” you’re gonna find under this tree.

Because the Santa hat and beard combo wasn’t bad enough – let’s add a grass skirt!

Bite this cookie and it’ll bite back.

“I know, let’s give Santa a Jheri Curl! And add a poinsettia on top!” Said some deranged person somewhere.

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Not.

This Elf on a Shelf is ready to scratch your eyes out with her purrfectly manicured claws.

No amount of treats is worth this shame.

Because nothing says “Happy Holidays” like 3-eyed aliens.

Jolly Old Saint Nick ain’t so jolly.

The humiliation runs deep with this one.

It’s a scarf! It’s a hat! It’s a fashion disaster!

She’s Mrs. Claus and she’s a Christmas tree! And there’s a chicken leg trimmed with Christmas ribbons. Yeah, this makes a lot of sense.

This cat can see his way clearly… to smothering you in your sleep.

That tree in the background? It’s comin’ down later.

Yeah, you’ll be getting lumps of coal in your stocking… only it won’t be coal.

These Sugar Plum Fairies are ready to dance on your grave.